Most people encounter One Agency several times during a typical day, from morning to evening. We are present in everyday life, subtly in the background, helping to make life function smoothly. Like when managing a car’s functions through an app, buying tickets online, or grocery shopping – both in-store and online. That’s when we’re there. We’re also present when using a smartphone or booking a gym session. And much more. In short: Our fingerprint is found in many aspects of everyday life for a lot of people.
We achieve this because we offer a broad IT expertise for a diverse range of clients. But also because of how we view IT solutions. Not just as ones and zeros, but as the result of a human effort to make life easier and better for others. And this, in turn, affects how we approach the task; keeping it simple, being uncomplicated, quick, and transparent.
That it should be easy to do a good job. And that it should be enjoyable.

Employees are, or should at least be, the core of all businesses. This is certainly the case for us at One Agency. We have built the entire company around the idea that our offering— it’s our employees. Period. Everything we do boils down to this simple insight.
Our customer promises are not only based on providing high-quality expertise but also on communicative competence—the ability to translate our expertise and experiences into practice. The reason is simple. Successful projects depend largely on attentiveness and collaboration. Having big ears, being dynamic, and being able to communicate. And understanding that everything ultimately revolves around people. It is only then that you truly leverage your expertise.
Therefore, we work diligently to deepen and develop our collaboration processes, where our employees’ conditions for thriving, evolving, and doing the best possible job constitute the obvious focal point. In turn, you need to keep your expertise updated in a structured manner, and that’s why we do not skimp on our competence development.
Actually, nowhere.
The perception that competence development primarily occurs during assignments is a common one in consulting firms. And of course, it’s true. However, at One Agency, we believe that more is needed. We are known for providing the right competence, at the right time, scalable and utility-oriented – and keeping it simple. But of course, this doesn’t happen on its own. Behind the seemingly simple lies a structured, extensive, and ongoing competence development, both concerning theoretical knowledge and the abilities required to put them into practice.
An in-house organization for competence development Our competence organization is responsible for ensuring that employees maintain the right level of knowledge. With the support of our competence area manager, several experienced employees lead their respective internal competence networks. They focus on the areas we offer our customers or those we are curious to learn more about. The groups meet at least every fourth week, often every other week. One hour per meeting. Someone leads the meeting, but it usually becomes an open conversation where everyone contributes regarding current questions related to both tech and management or personal development.
Both the hard and the soft aspects We integrate our competence work under the name One Academy, a program where both hard and soft competencies have a clear place. We organize conferences annually with a focus on learning, knowledge sharing, and inspiration. We also have something we call Last Friday@One once a month, which can be likened to a mini-conference for the entire company. Open Space is a method we like a lot. Additionally, we occasionally organize Code Nights where a few individuals delve into a specific area and then present their findings to the rest of us. We also have a partnership with a leading online education company, PluralSight, where each employee can educate themselves and stay updated on the latest within their specialty. And so on.
In competence development at One Agency, we also include working on how to become a better version of oneself. Through lectures, group work, and discussions, we develop in areas such as communication, rhetoric, conflict resolution, negotiation techniques, group dynamics, leadership, and self-awareness. These are abilities needed to lead oneself, collaborate with others, and allow oneself to be led when necessary.
An individual plan For us, individual development plans are also important. The purpose is to clarify what our employees need to be able to do their job as well as possible, what support is needed, and what obstacles we can remove. But above all, it’s about how our employees want to develop. This is of utmost importance to us. Our employees’ well-being is the most crucial piece of the puzzle in our work, as they create all the value. They are the very essence of One Agency.

How we are with each other, how we think, and how we act as colleagues – our culture – is perhaps our most powerful competitive advantage. Over the years, it has become ingrained, something that is just natural. But it all stems from three simple and clear perspectives that we early on agreed would shape our operations. Here they are.
Live Service
“When did you last help someone?”
Being service-minded is important. By going the extra mile and being accommodating, you make a big difference, and we know this. At One Agency, we love what we do, and it should show! We don’t just want to deliver services and products but also an impression.
Courage to Change
“Everything is constantly changing.”
Sometimes change is necessary to achieve the results that lead to success. It’s about intuition, timing, self-awareness, empathy, and above all – courage. The courage to dare to step into the unknown and take risks to evolve for the better. When we dare to do this, we find change. When we can lead ourselves, we can lead others.
So, how do you manage to ensure quality while focusing on continuing to grow and continuously developing your product?
Take Massive Action
“We believe it’s not the thought that counts.”
Being action-oriented is key in our industry. Razor-sharp analyses, detailed planning, and dedicated execution are what help our clients achieve their goals. That’s precisely what we deliver! We get the job done and meet challenges with an open and positive mindset.